Telangana Ministerial Service Rules 1998
Telangana Ministerial Service Rules 1998 will guide Seniority List preparation for Superintendent , Senior Assistant, Junior Assistant / Typist , Record Assistant appointment process, Promotions, Reservation for Promotion to Sr. Assistant and Superintendent, appointment for Junior Assistant LD Steno Typist Reservation Points, Probation time, Probation Declaration Rules , Transfers and Postings Conversion as between Junior Assistants / Typists/ Junior Stenos / Telephone Operators/Assistants-cum-Typists and Transfers Between Categories of Jr.Assistant and Typists/Jr. Stenos and Telephone Operators and Assistants-cum-Typists Promotion and Absorption of Stenographers and Typists Seniority List preparation rules.
Andhra Pradesh Ministerial Service Rules 1998 Adaptation to the State of Telangana vide General Administration (Services- B) Department G.O Ms No 195, Dated 28.05.2016.
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Rule Wise Telangana Ministerial Service Rules 1998
Rule NO 3 : Method of Appointment.
SI No | Class -A Clerical Category | SI No | Class – B Technical Category |
1 | Superintendent | 1 | Special Category Stenographer |
2 | Senior Assistant | 2 | Senior Stenographer |
3 | Junior Assistant | 3 | UD Typist |
4 | Assistant cum Typist | 4 (a) | Junior Steno / Typist |
5 | Telephone Operator | 4 (b) | LD Steno |
1.SUPERINTENDENT (R-3, Note 1 and 9) No Direct recruitment
Vacancy | Method of Appointment | Vacancy | Method of Appointment |
1 | By Transfer from Subordinate Officers | 11 | Promotion of Senior Assistant |
2 | Promotion of Senior Assistant | 12 | Promotion of Senior Assistant |
3 | Promotion of Senior Assistant | 13 | Promotion of Senior Assistant |
4 | Promotion of Senior Assistant | 14 | Promotion of Senior Assistant |
5 | Promotion of Senior Assistant | 15 | Promotion of Senior Assistant |
6 | Promotion of Senior Assistant | 16 | Promotion of Senior Assistant |
7 | Promotion of Senior Assistant | 17 | By Transfer from Subordinate Officers |
8 | Promotion of Senior Assistant | 18 | Promotion of Senior Assistant |
9 | By Transfer from Subordinate Officers | 19 | Promotion of Senior Assistant |
10 | By conversion of Special Category Steno | 20 | Promotion of Senior Assistant |
SENIOR ASSISTANT (R-3 Note 10 Note 2 ) No direct recruitment
Vacancy | Method of Appointment |
1 | By transfer from subordinate Offices |
2 | Promotion of JA, ACT/Jr.Steno/ Typist |
3 | Promotion of JA, ACT/Jr.Steno/ Typist |
4 | Promotion of JA, ACT/Jr.Steno/ Typist |
5 | By conversion of Senior Steno |
6 | Promotion of JA, ACT/Jr.Steno/ Typist |
7 | Promotion of JA, ACT/Jr.Steno/ Typist |
8 | Promotion of JA, ACT/Jr.Steno/ Typist |
9 | By transfer from subordinate Offices |
10 | Promotion of JA, ACT/Jr.Steno/ Typist |
Vacancy | Method of Appointment |
1 | Appointment by transfer of RA/OS |
2 | By Direct Recruitment |
3 | By Direct Recruitment |
4 | By Direct Recruitment |
5 | By Conversion |
6 | Appointment by transfer of RA/OS |
7 | By Conversion |
8 | By Direct Recruitment |
9 | By Direct Recruitment |
10 | By Direct Recruitment |
RA – Record Assistant
OS – Office Subordinate
Telephone operator (Rule 3 Note 11)
- Direct recruitment – 80%
- Conversion– 20%
- Promotion – No
- Appointment by transfer – No
- By transfer from subordinate offices – No
- Direct recruitment No
- Conversion No
- Promotion Senior steno/ UD Typist
- Appointment by transfer No
- By transfer from subordinate offices No
SENIOR STENO (Rule 3 Note 13)
Vacancy | Method of Appointment |
1 | By Promotion of Jr Steno/Act/Typist |
2 | By Direct Recruitment |
3 | By Direct Recruitment |
4 | By Direct Recruitment |
5 | By Direct Recruitment |
6 | By transfer of UD Typist |
7 | By Promotion of Jr Steno/Act/Typist |
8 | By Direct Recruitment |
9 | By Direct Recruitment |
10 | By Direct Recruitment |
JUNIOR STENO/TYPIST (Rule 3 Note 14 & 5 )
Vacancy | Method of Appointment HOD | Method of Appointment in Sub Office |
1 | By transfers from Sub Ordinate Offices | Appointment By Transfer of RA/OS |
2 | By Direct Recruitment | By Direct Recruitment |
3 | By Direct Recruitment | By Direct Recruitment |
4 | Conversion | Conversion |
5 | By Direct Recruitment | By Direct Recruitment |
6 | By Direct Recruitment | By Direct Recruitment |
7 | Appointment By Transfer of RA/OS | Appointment By Transfer of RA/OS |
8 | By Direct Recruitment | By Direct Recruitment |
9 | By Direct Recruitment | By Direct Recruitment |
10 | By Direct Recruitment | By Direct Recruitment |
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Rule No 4 : Appointing Authority :
SI No | Posts | Appointing Authority |
1 | Offices of the Heads of Depts. And Directorates All posts | The Head of the Dept. or any Gazetted Officer immediatel below the rank of the Head of the Dept nominated for the purpose by the Head of the Dept |
2 | Regional offices All posts | Regional officers |
3 | Posts carrying pay scales of those above the pay scale of Junior Asst. (excluding Junior Assistant) | Where there is a Regional Officer such officer, and where there is no such Officer, the Head of the Dept. or an Officer of the Directorate nominated by the Head of the Department. |
4 | All other posts of and below the rank of the Junior Assistant. | The District Head of the Dept. Or the Head of the Institution or such other Officer nominated by the Head of the Depts. As the case may be, having jurisdiction over the area of the unit of appointment specified in Rule 13. |
Reservation of Appointments (Rule-5) :
- Reservations for S.C’s, S.T’s & B.C’s, the rule of Special Representation (Gen.R-22) shall apply to appointments by direct recruitment . Reservation for physically handicapped persons applies under only to the categories in sub-rule (b) of R-5.
- Reservation for Physically Handicapped : Reservation shall apply to each of the categories in each Departmental unit referred to in Rule13 when they are appointed by D.R.
- Reservation for Women in appointment : 33 1/3 % of posts for Direct Recruitment in each category
- In the matter of D.R to posts which are reserved exclusively for being filled by Women, they shall be filled by women only
Qualifications: (Rule:6):
In Subordinate offices
- X Class (S.S.C ) upto 28-10-1987
- From 29-10-1987 Intermediate
- From 12-5-2014 Degree and Proficiency in Automaton
- Intermediate — upto 31-10-1980
- Thereafter — Degree
Technical qualification :
(i) Higher Telugu Typewriting (ii) or Telugu Lower Typewriting (iii) preference to English Lower Typewriting in case having (i) or (ii)
- Proviso under rule 6(2) : Employees who were already in service subordinate office prior to 15-12-1984 and appointed offices other than HODs prior to 29-10-1987 shall be eligible for appointment as J.A etc., if they passed S.S.C or any equivalent examination. Provided degree qualification secured directly without basic qualification can be considered for conversion, appt. by transfer/promotion in HODs
- Rule 6(3) :A’s and members of equivalent categories in other services and members of A.P.L.G services appointed after 29-10-1987 or 12-5-2014 shall not be eligible for appointment by transfer to the posts of J.A, Asst.-cum – Typist & Junior Steno in the subordinate offices unless they possess the qualification of pass in Inter/Typewriting Higher in Telugu or Degree and Proficiency in Computers and put in not less than 5 years of regular service in such categories
- Proviso Under Rule 6(3): Those appointed to the categories of R.As and equivalent posts in the offices of HODs/Directorates prior to 31.10.80 shall be eligible for appointment by transfer to the post of J.A or Asst.-cum-Typist even if they do not hold a degree of a University referred to above but they shall possess the following qualifications : Intermediate certificate issued by the B.O.I. II.Typewriting qualification in higher grade.
- No member of the service shall be eligible for appointment to the posts of Superintendents, S.A or J.A or Asst. – cum – typist in the O/o the H.O.D or Directorate, as the case may be, by Transfer from its subordinate offices unless he holds a degree of a university in India(Rule 6 (5) ).
Rule 7 : Age:
- Maximum – 34 years
- R – Uniformly raised by 5 years. Rule:7
Rule 8 : Minimum Service :
- Minimum 3 years service for promotion /appointment by Transfer.(Rule 8)
Rule No : 9 Probation :
For more details about Probation – Click here
- Direct Recruits : 2 years on Duty
- within a continuous period of 3 years.
- Promotion/Appointment by Transfer one year on duty within a continuous period of 2 years.(Rule 9) For more details about Probation – Click here
Rule No 10. Training :
- Training : 3 months for Direct Recruits.
- Bond should be executed for serving the Dept for 3 years after completion of the Training.(Rule 10 )
- Amendment :Every person promoted as Senior Asst. from the category of typist and the Junior Stenographer shall undergo training for a period of three months (G.O.Ms.No. 144, GA (Ser.B) Dept.dt.12.05.2003)
Rule No 11 : Tests
- A person appointed by direct recruitment shall pass such tests as may be prescribed
- No person shall be eligible for promotion or appointment by transfer to the posts mentioned in Annexure II unless he has passed the tests or acquired such qualifications, as are prescribed in the said Annexure.
- Where a test is newly prescribed, within a period of two years such test should be passed failing which annual increments shall be stopped without cumulative effect.
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Transfers & Postings (Rule 12) :-
- The appointing authorities listed out in R-4or other subordinate authority authorized are competent to effect the transfers and postings of persons in the respective categories.
- Other Transfers : J.A’s (Typists) Junior Stenos or Asst. Cum Typists may be transferred from the subordinate offices to the H.O.D’s/ Directorates.
- Transfers from local cadres to regional offices permissible.
- Transfers of probationers and approved probationers from the unit of the O/o H.O.D originally allotted, to another unit of the O/o H.O.D or to the offices notified as state level offices or special offices to which 6 point formula does not apply, may be made by the H.O.D concerned with the concurrence of the other H.O.D subject to the condition that their seniority shall be regulated as per R-15.
Unit of appointment (R-13) :
Department unit means :-
- Each office of a H.O.D.
- Each O/o A State Level Office / State Level Institution.
- Each of the special offices and Special Establishments notified under the presidential order.
- In the case of posts which are within the purview of the A.P.P.E (ORG. of Local Cadres and Regulation of D.R) Order, 1975.
- Each Department in each Dist. of a Group of offices in a part of the Dist. into which several offices in a Dist. in that Department may be grouped, by an order of the H.O.D issued with the approval of the Government for the categories of posts the minimum of the scale of pay which is equivalent to or less than the minimum of the scale of pay of J.A.
- Each Department in each zone specified in the second schedule or group of zones, as may be specified by the Government under presidential order.
Conversion : (Rule 14 )
- cum Typist, J.A, Typist or Telephone operator -> Junior Steno.
- A, Typist, Junior Steno Telephone Asst. cum Typist. -> Operator.
- cum Typist, Typist ,Jr. Steno Junior Assistant -> Telephone operator
- cum Typist, J.A or Telephone Typist/Junior Steno – > Operator.
One must be an approved probationer for conversion
Seniority ( Rule 15)
- i) Service rendered in a post or group of post bearing a distinct designation in a category as constituted by rule 2 shall count for seniority in such category , post, group of posts irrespective of the department or office in which such service was rendered.
- Proviso (i) In respect of persons whose services are lent to another department, the service rendered by him in the higher post in the deputation post, shall count for seniority in the parent department or office only from the date of regular appointment to such higher post in the parent department or office.
- ii) The Seniority of a person transferred on administrative grounds from one Department to another shall be fixed in the latter department w.r.t the date of his first appointment in the former department or office.
- iii) If it is at request seniority shall be fixed in the latter department or office w.r.t the date of his first appointment in the latter department or office
- (2) (i) The Seniority of a member of the service who is appointed by conversion from the post of special category steno to the post of Superintendent or from the post of Senior Steno or U.D to the post of S.A shall be fixed w.r.t the date of his first appointment as special category steno or Senior Steno or U.D Typist as the case may be.
- (2) (ii) The seniority of a member of service who is appointed by conversion from the post of Jr. Steno/Typist to the post of Jr. Asst. Or Asst. cum Typist after 14-7-1998 shall be fixed with reference to the date of first appointment as Jr. steno, Typist as the case may be without affecting the seniority of the Jr. Assts who were already promoted as Sr. Assts.
- (3) The seniority of a Telephone Operator converted as JA/Typist/Jr. Steno/Asst. cum-Typist shall be fixed in the latter category from the date of such appointment to the latter category.
- (4) The Seniority of a Superintendent, S.A or J.A or Typist or J.S or Asst. Cum Typist Transferred and appointed as superintendent S.A etc., in the O/o concerned H.OD or Directorate shall be determined w.r.t the date of joining as Superintendent or S.A etc., as the case may be, in the unit of office to which he is transferred
- (6) A person converted prior to 14-7-1998 from one category to another under Rule 14 shall take seniority in the converted category from the date of commencement of probation in the latter category and shall be ranked below the last probationer in the latter category.
Promotion and absorption of Stenographers and Typists (Rule 16 ) :
- No member of a service shall be eligible for appointment form the post mentioned in Column (1) of the table below to the post mentioned in Column (2) unless he has put in satisfactory service for min. period in the category specified in Column(3) there of and acquired the other qualifications referred to in Column(3)
1 | 2 | 3 |
Spl. Category stenos who have opted for absorption in clerical cadre. | Superintendent | 1.Two years service as special category steno.
2. Must have passed Departmental or Spl. tests prescribed for the post of Superintendent in the Department or Office |
Sr.Steno who has opted for absorption in clerical cadre | S.A | i. Two years service as Sr .steno.
ii. Must have passed the prescribed tests. |
Without conversion as Supdt or SA, Spl Cat Steno or Senior Steno are not entitled for promotion to gazetted posts.
- A telephone operator opting for absorption in clerical line (Sr. Asst), shall first be converted to the category of Junior Asst./Asst.-cum-typist / Typist / Junior Stenographer and put in satisfactory service of one year in such category and shall have passed the departmental or other special tests prescribed in Annexure for Promotion as Senior Asst.”. (G.O.Ms.No.114, GA (Ser B) Dept. dt.12.05.2003.
Revision and review of orders of promotion or appointment by transfer: Rule 17:
- By appellate authority within six months from date of such order
- After six months if the Government is appellate authority.
- After giving opportunity to affected parties
- Govt on its own motion or otherwise, review any order or take up revision under any mistake of fact or law or of any rule.
List of approved candidates (Rules 18) :
- There shall be separate list of approved candidates for appointment by D.R to the posts of J.A, typists/Jr Stenos and Assistant cum typist for appointments by D.R Such lists shall be drawn up by the APPSC separately for each departmental unit in two parts
- For offices and Institutions other than those solely managed by or intended for women and
- For offices and institutions solely managed by, or intended for women.
Preparation of lists of approved candidates (R-19) :
- The lists shall be prepared in accordance with the application made annually to the commission by the appointing authority.
Permanent allotment of candidates to departmental units and their appointment.( Rule 20)
The candidates included by the commission in the list for each departmental unit shall be regarded as permanently allotted to such unit .
Candidates allotted but not actually employed in a departmental unit (Rule 21)
- A candidate not actually employed in that unit may be appointed temporarily in another different departmental unit, if there is no candidate in that departmental unit. Such temporary appointment shall not count for probation in the service and shall cease if the candidate is required to fill a vacancy in the departmental unit to which he has been allotted.
List of Probationers for Administrative units : (Rule 22)
- As soon as a candidate is placed on probation, a service book shall be opened and his name shall be removed from the list of approved candidates and transferred to the list of probationers.
Allotment of candidates with special qualifications : (Rule 23)
- When a candidate is required to fill any post for which special qualifications are prescribed, the order indicated in the list of approved candidates may be departed from in so far as such departure may be necessary in order to secure the appointment of a candidate possessing such special qualifications.
Rule No : 24
- Failure of approved candidates, discharged Probationers and approved probationers to join duty when required (Rule 24)
- In such an event his name shall be removed from the list of approved candidates, or from the list of approved probationers. In such an event the candidate shall not be eligible for appointment again on the basis of the inclusion of his name in the same list.
Securities (Rule 26)
- Security need to be obtained wherever they are required for the due and faithful performance of duties attached to the post.
- If a G.S who has furnished security applies for leave other than casual leave or is deputed to other duty, the person who is appointed to officiate for him shall furnish the security
Members desiring courses of study not connected with probation : (Rule 27)
- They may undergo if the study enhances their usefulness as a member of the service. He can be granted leave. He is also entitled to seniority held by him previously and increments. This shall not have the effect of excluding the period of absence during the course of study in computing the continuous period within which the prescribed period of probation has to be completed.
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