Annual Verification Certificate of Telagana Pensioners
Revised Annual Verification Certificate for Telangana Pensioners TS Pensioners Treasury Life Certificate 2020 2019 Telangana Pensioners Digital Life Certificate How government pensioners can submit life certificate online Latest life Certificate verification certificate for pensioners 2019 2020 ts pensioners life certificate from / application form Form of life certificate to be submitted by pensioner once a year
Instruction for Treasury Annual Verification Certificate for Telangana Pensioners
- All State government service pensioners/family pensioners receiving pensions through Treasury Pension Payment Unit, , will have to submit verification certificates .
- Life Certificate duly affixing passport size photographs dully attested by the Gazetted Officer / Bank Manager or Notary
- Certificate should be submit between November 1 to March 31
- The same should be submitted by post or in person to the concerned branch Pension Payment Offices.
- If Pensioners not submit the Life Certificate the pension shall be stopped from April 1st on wards
- The Pension distributing officer can sign the certificate if the pensioner appears personally before the pension distributing officer
Telangana Family Pensioners Annual Verification Certificate Instructions
- Family pensioners who are below 55 years of age have to submit the certificate signed by a gazetted officer to the effect of non-remarriage/remarriage certificate.
- Also, family pensioners who got employment on compassionate grounds or re-employed prior to receipt of family pension and are continuing in government service would have to necessarily submit the life verification certificate through their drawing officer concerned.
Revised Annual Verification Certificate of Telangana Pensioners
(As per Govt memo No. 240/PSC/2013, Dated 26.10.2013 Telangana Pensioners Life Certificate )
- The Pension Disbursing Officer can sign the Certificate if the pensioner appears personally before the Pension Disbursing Officer.
- If Pensioner does not appear personally before the Pension Disbursing Officer, the Certificate shall be signed by any Gazetted Officer/ Bank Manager.
- The life Verification Certificates are obtained from 1st November on wards.
- In the event of Non-receipt of the Certificate the pension shall be stopped from 1st April on wards (i.e.) March payable on 1st April.
Download Treasury Annual Verification Certificate for TS Pensioners
Iam a service pensioner also in receipt of family person on account of the demise of my wife. Is it necessary for me to submit two life certificates one for my service pension and another for my family pension?
Very worth information
I think you need to submit 5wo certificates, one as a pensioner and the other as a family pensioner
Iam a retired Government teacher from Hyderabad district. Can you please help me How to check monthly pension and How to submit life certificate? I tried but the answer is no records found.
Can our Association take up with Govt to redress following grievance of pensioners in submission of annual life verification certificates?
1)Fresh registration of old pensioners every year is unnecessary and delaying the process.
2)If fresh registration is a must it should be approved simultaneously with life certificate.
3)Tapp is not functioning in all types of phones.For example-Apple phones.